Monday. Today is Memorial Day and Monday. Kat is still here today, but going home this evening. We all made it a traveling vlogging marathon day. I started the day watching some Karl Watson and did probably two episodes (which are decently long) while doing some walking before everyone was up.
Once everyone was up, we put on Kara & Nate and ended up watching seventy episodes (yes, actually seventy episodes) during the day! This is our longest YouTube day, ever. We are around the end of their first year of travel at episodes 199 to 269.
For food today we ate in the late afternoon and had veggie hot dogs, potato salad (sans onions), and a pineapple upside down funfetti cake.
Liesl’s big thing today is that she spent the day paying Sonic Forces and managed to finally complete it late at night. She started it yesterday pretty late in the day and essentially did it all in one day. Pretty impressive, it is neither an easy nor a small game.

I am attempting to prep for Europe, which is coming up very soon, by walking today while we watched our shows. I try to do this a bit every day, but way more today since it was basically a free day. Today I did over twenty thousand steps before it was time for bed! Twenty thousand is pretty good. I have proven that my new Sketchers are broken in and will do just fine for the trip. And I am in shape for all of the walking. And the new AmazFit Stratos watch is working out really well for me. The battery is holding up well, and using the watch works well.