Liesl got me up this morning. We tried to sleep in but the girls were having none of it. Liesl wanted her chocolate milk and a movie on the big screen in the living room. So I got up and got her set up. Luciana was up very shortly.
Luciana still has a little bit of a fever this morning but only very little. She is clearly improving and throughout the day she got better and better and, by bedtime, I would say that there were really no signs of her fever left and she was awake and perky as if she was not sick at all.
I did some work this morning upstairs in the bedroom. Dominica went down and started playing The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap which we bought last night for the Wii U (from the Virtual Console store, it is originally a GBA game.) She played for many hours and the girls had a great time just hanging out on the couch watching her play.
Liesl tried playing Picmin 3 for maybe an hour too. She kinda liked it but it was a bit of a struggle for her. Not sure if she is going to continue playing that or not.
This afternoon our first ever produce shipment from FreshNation arrived. It was a big load of stuff. We are very impressed. Hoping to use this service a lot.
We ordered in Chinese again tonight. We watched an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place while we ate. Then it was time for me to play The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker again at the request of my children. I played for several hours and made good progress through it. Liesl wanted me to play all evening but Luciana eventually had enough of it.