I got up this morning and went straight into the “office” to work. I have just tons and tons to do and no spare time. I am being very productive.
My entire day was spent in the office. So much work to do. The family all went out for an afternoon family event so Oreo and I were home alone for a while which was really good since it gave us some time to relax and really focus on work. As long as everyone is home I am stuck getting interrupted every few minutes. And I really mean every few minutes – I am really lucky if I ever get a ten minute stretch in which to really focus on something.
I was at least incredibly efficient this afternoon. I was alone for several hours and actually did manage to mostly get caught up. I worked the entire day even after everyone returned home. I worked until about one in the morning. This is one of my busiest work days in a very long time. I easily worked sixteen to eighteen hours without break today. I even ate all of my meals sitting at my desk.
I feel better, though, getting some of this backlog of work knocked out. This will make this week a bit better.