DuoLingo Streak: 38 Days Two hours of sleep and awake, showered, packed, and dropped off at the Trinity Mills DART station so that I could catch the train downtown. It is about a forty five minute ride from up this way. But only $2.50 so there is really no way to beat it. And it …
Category Archives: Daily
October 9, 2017: Stuck in Dallas
DuoLingo Streak: 37 Days So exhausted today. It’s been a tiring week and while I got a few hours of sleep last night, they were not the best and there is a lot to do today. The original plan was for me to be on the 4:30PM bus out of Dallas going to Austin so …
October 8, 2017: Last Day in Phoenix
DuoLingo Streak: 36 Days Sunday. Our final day in Phoenix, Jeremy and I both fly out just after midnight. We managed to get up this morning and get breakfast before getting a ride into the office. Then it was a couple hours of work from there before everyone arrived for an afternoon of meetings. Finally, …
October 7, 2017: Introducing Jeremy to Telenovelas
DuoLingo Streak: 35 Days Saturday. I was up this morning around four, but managed to stay in bed until four thirty. But after that, I was awake. Jeremy got up around six thirty. We were expecting things to start early this morning. So we got up, showered and got all ready, had breakfast, coffee, and …
Continue reading “October 7, 2017: Introducing Jeremy to Telenovelas”
October 6, 2017: Alone in the Office
DuoLingo Streak: 34 Days Friday. I can’t believe that I have been out here in Arizona for an entire week already! I am really missing the family. Only the weekend left until I head for home in the wee hours of Monday morning. I only get a very short time at home with the family, …