August 14, 2018: Dinner Party


The Bard’s Tale Trilogy of games, that I fell in love with when I was just eleven years old and is the basis for my love of RPGs today, has just re-released today in an updated version that will run on Windows 10!  Hard to believe, more than three decades later, that they are still releasing these games and two sequels are due out soon.  These re-releases are pretty true to the originals, but rewritten so not running the original Commodore 64 code.  I’m definitely very interested.

For lunch today, I just made myself a big bowl of steamed veggies.  I’m working very hard on being healthy.

The Nissan Quest went into the shop today.  I was all prepared for things to be really bad.  It’s had transmission and suspensions problems for a while now.  So many things seem “loose” or “sloppy”, it worries me to drive it. I was totally prepared for the shop to tell us that we needed a major amount of suspension work done.  The answer… our battery was bad and it was causing all kinds of electrical problems in the car from low voltage!  So what might have been a few thousand dollars ended up being more like one hundred dollars.  And we got the car back, and it is driving great!

After work this evening, Kat came over and we had cheese tray dinner.  It was delicious.  I did not manage to get a picture of the mango stilton in the image.

After the cheese plate came the bread, biscuits, and cake plate, of which I did not partake.

We had a great time and are looking forward to more regular cheese tray evenings.  This was delicious and a lot of fun.  And no kids to try to eat our cheeses 😉

August 12, 2018: Leaving the Kids in Houston

We are down in Houston today, at the Grices’.  The kids are going to be staying here this week, Dominica and I will head back to Dallas tonight.  Today is Sunday.

Everyone was a bit tired today after the party yesterday, so it was sleeping in late.  Then the kids all asked me to play Dungeons & Dragons with them again.  Garrett had stayed up reading a lot of rules last night, in fact, he is so excited to be playing.

But before we could really play, they decided to all get in the pool and swim for the afternoon.  Luciana really wanted me to swim again, so I did, along with her grandfather and Emily.  We played more of the “Oh No” game that I taught them yesterday.  We swam for quite a while.

Dominica and I left mid-afternoon to do the drive back up to Dallas.  We made really good time, almost no traffic at all.


August 11, 2018: Meeting Reagan and Colton’s Birthday Party in Houston

We are down in Houston today for Colton’s birthday party and to meet baby Reagan for the first time! They swam first at the Grices in the morning, before going to the party.

It was a pool party day over at the Toccos’.  I had promised the girls that I would swim with them today.  I let them swim for the first while on their own, but then went in later in the day and swam for several hours.

At some point this evening, all of the kids decided that they wanted to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons.  Pretty exciting that they all want to play.  But tough that they sprung it on me without any warning.

So we spent a few hours tonight trying to explain the game and come up with some kind of way for the to get to play at least a little.  I set Garrett and Liesl up with the Pathfinder rule books online before going to bed so that they could at least read some about it.


August 10, 2018: Heading to Houston to Meet Reagan

Friday.  Normal work this morning.  Up early, as I am basically every day.  This afternoon I did some planning for my much needed trip down to the new office in Matagalpa, Nicaragua.  I had been hoping that I would have been able to have figured out how to go down in November or December, because the sooner that I go, the more the training will benefit the office down there.  But looking at my windows of opportunity, and when flights are affordable, there really is no time before the new year when I can make it happen.  My schedule is just too tight for it.

So it is currently looking like I will be heading down in January and hopefully spending a bit of the month there.  We will see just how much as we get closer to the date.  I am super hopeful that I will get a little free time and be able to spend some time in the region.  I would love to do a road trip through Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador while I am so close and do not have the kids with me.

This evening, after work, we drove down to Houston so that we can there tomorrow to meet baby Reagan, and to celebrate Colton’s birthday.  And, to drop off Liesl and Luciana who are going to be spending the entire week down there with their cousins and grandparents.  We will be getting them back next Sunday or Monday.  We will be just down for the weekend, returning on Sunday afternoon back up to Dallas.