April 8, 2003

Today is my day to hang out in Rochester at the Oracle Technology Day at the Hyatt. Oracle is doing a show on Unbreakable Linux in conjunction with Red Hat and HP. The show started at 8:00 am in Rochester so I had to get up awfully early and drive out there. The show lasted for six hours. I had a good time. It would have been a lot better if I hadn’t been so tired. I ended up drinking coffee all day long trying to keep myself going.

The show wrapped up around 2:00 pm (yes, Oracle fed us breakfast and lunch) and I drove down to the UofR to meet Eric. We did a little work at the hospital and then went to Jay’s Diner so that he could get a bite to eat and so that I could get more coffee. We hung out there for a while until he headed home and I headed up to Webster to meet Josh after work. Josh and I hung out for about three hours before Joanna arrived to join him for dinner. Once their food arrived, I hit the road to get back to Ithaca. It is going to be a long week and I don’t want to be away from home any more than I absolutely have to be.

April 7, 2003

Min took a half day at work today and we drove out to Lakeville to make an attempt at getting the house in Geneseo that we have been looking at for the last few months. Well, that didn’t all go as planned. We ended up being really disappointed with some stuff that had happened and ended up having a really bad day when we had been so excited about maybe buying a house. After we were through at the Realtors, we were really down and were wondering what we were going to do for housing now that the house that we were planning on looked to be out of the picture.

After being disappointed by the house, Min and I went up Loopy’s family’s house in Avon and visited for a little while before going to Tom Wahl’s for dinner and heading back to Ithaca.

April 6, 2003

Time changed last night, hope everyone remembered. Loopy, Min and I did breakfast at the State St. Diner. We did a little driving around trying to take a look for some furniture but we didn’t end up finding anything.

Bob, Min and I finally got around to watching Serving Sara. It wasn’t bad. It is a cute movie. Silly, of course, but it has Bruce Campbell, Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley who are all good so it couldn’t have been too bad. It is a “Matthew Perry” movie, if you will, very similar to Fools Rush In or The Whole Nine Yards. Kind of cute, kind of silly with a little action here and there. Pretty typical. After that, Min and I watched the 1987 classic Maid to Order with Ally Sheedy. Very typical of the time period. It was cute. The movie collection is now up to 579 movies. Only a few more to go to hit the 600 mark.

Other than that, it was a very uneventful day. Tomorrow I have to get out to Lakeville to deal with the house. I am supposed to hear something from the bank on Wednesday. Tuesday I am going to the Oracle Unbreakable Linux show in Rochester all day. That is about the excitement for the week.

April 5, 2003

Finally a day off. At least a little bit. Min and I went out to brunch at The Tavern at Maxie’s. She got the fritatta and I got the Kale Benedict. It was amazing. After brunch we headed up to the mall and did a little shopping at Target and Borders. We picked up some new movies (I have been hunting for the remaining Disney movies that I don’t have but to no avail) – I picked up Maid to Order, Parent Trap (the DVD version to replace my pan and scan laserdisc version,) Lawrence of Arabia, Paradise Road and Tuck Everlasting (Min really wanted that one – she has been bugging me to get it forever.) I also got some books on Windows 2000 Active Directory that I need to for some study.

We got home from shopping and I did some work for a while. Then Min, Loopy and I watched some of Red Dwarf. Loopy did some drinking, his first real drinking in a while. Min managed to make the perfect bag of microwave popcorn and she was very proud.

April 4, 2003

Another super busy day. I spent a lot of the morning trying to deal with buying a house. Min, Loop and I are definitely trying to get the townhouse in Geneseo.

I drove up to T-Burg at noon to meet with Steve. We went out for some lunch and took a trip “around the horn” hitting all the bars in town. We got back to the house around 8pm and called Min and she drove on up to T-Burg and we ended up hanging out until almost 2am in the morning. While we were out I managed to get a hold of Acendex and accept the position. I am awaiting the final psych eval now which I should get on Monday. I will probably be starting right around the beginning of May. I will even be getting medical insurance. It will be so nice to finally be getting medical insurance without having to pay full price for it. I am planning on getting an apartment in some area like Ashtabula just to the east of Cleveland along I-90 towards home.