April 3, 2003

I got out of bed around 9am and spent a lot of the morning putting out fires and setting up a computer for my aunt. It was a crazy morning. I managed to hit the road for Cleveland right about noon.

I went to my interview at 1:00 and was there until 5:00. It went really well and they offered me the position assuming that I could pass a psych evaluation. You can check out where I expect to be working in the near future here, Acendex.

I hit the road back to Ithaca just before 5:00 and spent most of the trip talking on the phone letting everyone know how things had went.

April 2, 2003

I got up super early this morning and hit the road for Pittsburgh. I met up with my parents in Kanona to exchange some stuff and have some breakfast. I got to Pittsburgh around noon and met John at the diner by Shadyside Hospital. We had a one o’clock meeting at the hospital that we expected to only have last for an hour but it ended up lasting for four hours instead. It was so late by the time that we got out that John and I went down to Walnut St. for some dinner at Cappy’s (where Loopy and I used to go all of the time for sandwiches.) It was about nine o’clock by the time that I finally had a chance to hit the road to head to Canton.

I arrived in Canton close to eleven and visited with my aunt for a couple of hours before going to bed.

April 1, 2003

This morning I found out that I need to get to Pittsburgh tomorrow. I am getting ready today for my trip. I am going to Pittsburgh first thing tomorrow morning, leaving Ithaca between five and six in the morning. After my meeting in Pittsburgh, I am continuing on to North Canton, Ohio where I am having dinner with my aunt for her birthday which is on Thursday. I am crashing at her place. I have to go to Cleveland on Thursday afternoon for my interview.

Most of the day I spent getting stuff ready for the rest of the week. It was a nice casual day. Loopy, Min and I went to the State Street Dinner for lunch and got garbage plates again. Min had a tenth anniversary party at work so she stayed late at work. I spent a lot of the day installing Windows XP Pro on Loopy’s old Gateway 333 Celeron machine (yes, from 1999 or so.) I had a lot of problems getting Win XP to accept the network card. I did finally get it done late in the afternoon.

Speaking of computers, Loopy’s motherboard has died. He has been without a computer to himself for the last two days. Today he broke down and ordered a new high performance motherboard from Asus. He should have that in a day or two. He got a copy of Windows XP Pro today. But, of course, that won’t do him very much since his computer isn’t working.

After work, the entire house (except for Zach) went to the mall to do some dinner and do some shopping. I needed to get some clothes for this week so I went to the Bon Ton and picked some stuff up.

After going to the mall, Loopy, Min and I watched a couple of episodes of Red Dwarf. We are working our way through Series I. Min is finally getting warmed up to it. Loopy and I loved the series. I am also hunting for some stuff on eBay tonight.

March 31, 2003

Today was a different day. I slept in a bit this morning but I was exhausted from yesterday. I started the day with a surprise interview from Acendex in Cleveland. I had interviewed with them a while back but I had assumed that they had decided that they weren’t interested in me. But they called back today and I am going out to Cleveland on Thursday for an in person interview.

Min and I did lunch down at State Street and I did some shopping at Borders. I wanted to pick up some new books and I also managed to find a movie that I have been looking for, Once Upon a Time in India.

In the evening, Loopy, Min, Bob, Zach and I all watched Steve Martin in The Jerk. I have seen it before, I think, or at least part of it, but I don’t think that I have ever sat down and watched it all at once. Only Zach has seen it all the way through before. I don’t think that it is a very good movie but it does have its moments.

March 30, 2003

Min and I went to church with my parents this morning. We were supposed to go out and look at some houses right after church but I accidentally sent the keys home with my parents for our car so we weren’t able to go anywhere for a little while. Eventually dad got back with the keys to the car. Then we headed back to my parents to celebrate my very belated birthday with my family. After lunch Min and I ran back up to Geneseo and looked at the townhouse again and got some more information. We also drove around and looked at some other houses but we didn’t like any of those. So, we are hoping that the realtors get back to us tomorrow.

We headed back to my parent’s house and hung out there for a while and finished doing some laundry that we needed to do. Then we went over to Eric and Amanda’s house and visited for a little while before driving back down to Ithaca.