February 25, 2008: Happy Birthday to Me

It’s official.  I am thirty-two years old. Dominica and I were wide awake last night and ended up staying up until two in the morning or later watching Family Ties.  Around one thirty in the morning Dominica decided that she was hungry and so went out and cooked up a breakfast or toat and eggs …

February 22, 2008: It’s a Snow Day

Oreo got me up just past midnight again to take him out to the living room to check that his new bone was not stolen by a band of marauders while we slept. This is, apparently, his new late night activity. Worrying about bone thieves. Dominica got up at six thirty and checked the weather …

February 6, 2008: Wonderful Wednesday

I was exhausted when the alarm went off this morning. It is amazing that I even woke up. I have no memory of having actually heard the alarm at all. Today is exceptionally warm for early February in New Jersey. It was warm enough when I left for the office that I didn’t even bother …