April 20, 2008: Flat Stanley Goes to the Cherry Blossom Festival

We all managed to get a little sleep last night and were pretty well rested today.  I was really glad to have completed the bulk of my Object Technologies homework on Friday night giving me a mostly free weekend.  I really needed a weekend to just relax too.

Tom Miller and Flat Stanley at Branch Brook Park

Dad came over and we ordered the car and drove up to the IHOP by UMDNJ in Newark.  The crowd wasn’t too bad as we arrived before the bulk of people got out of church and filled the place up.  Sundays at IHOP can get pretty crazy.  Breakfast was very good.  We were quite glad that we had decided to drive up there.  Breakfast in Newark is definitely one of the most lacking services around.  There are almost no options and certainly no good brunch options like we are used to from Ithaca where brunch reigns supreme.

After lunch we drove over to Branch Brook Park with Oreo and walked through the Cherry Blossom Festival.  The weather was slightly colder than yesterday and I think that a lot of people decided to stay indoors as the crowd was pretty light compared to last year.  It was nice for walking though and Oreo had a wonderful time.

We thought ahead to take Flat Stanley with us to get pictures in Newark’s most famous location.  There were several good photo opportunities there.  We didn’t get a lot of time at the park, though, because I was paged out and we had to return to the apartment.  Never any real time that I can get away.

Alert Oreo in Branch Brook Park

As we were leaving the park Kevin and Pam saw Oreo as they were driving through the park and stopped to chat.  So dad got to meet them as well although we only had a minute as I had to get back home to work.

Dad took a nap in the afternoon and then we just ordered in dinner from Nino’s and relaxed at the apartment.  Dinner was really good.

We showed dad the AppleTV yesterday and today.  He thinks that it looks pretty cool.  We discovered some new cooking and travel video podcasts that we really like too.  We hadn’t played with AppleTV’s built in podcast channel guide before and now we know that there is a huge selection of shows that you can just browse through without being connected to iTunes that really work well.  It’s a lot like having “cable” television as you have tons of channels except it is all on demand so you never wait for anything.

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