I created this drink back in the late 90s when I was younger. It remains one of my all time favourite drinks and predates the Red Bull and vodka craze by several years and is a far better way to get serious alcohol with caffeine. Much more flavourful and drinkable. You need Mountain Dew (diet …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS) – Bahamut
One of the most confusing pieces of FF3 (at least on the DS version) is what to do when you meet Bahamut, the dragon, in the mountains. If you make it this far on your own you quickly discover that the dragon kills you almost instantly, there is nothing that you can do. The character …
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Interim Update
It is a quarter after three in the morning on November 27th and Dominica’s midwife has decided that it is time for us to go into the hospital now based on her contractions. We “went to bed” around eleven and after four hours of laying in bed tracking contractions (at least Oreo got some rest) …
Sofia the Miniature Schnauzer Euthanized
I discovered tonight that Sofia, the miniature schnauzer that we got to know through emails when Oreo was in the hospital with pet food poisoning in 2007, was euthanized just a few months after Oreo recovered from his bought with pet food poisoning. Sofia had to be put to sleep due to complications arising from …
Handbrake Settings
Now that I am getting comfortable with Handbrake and its settings I have noticed the dearth of information online about peoples’ preferred settings. I feel that this information is very valuable and so have decided to share some baseline information about my own settings. Unless otherwise stated I do my conversions to the .mp4 MPEG4 …