January 19, 2003

Min and I are at my parent’s house today. We got up and went to church, had lunch and then headed on out to Geneseo to see what might be available. Well, we drove around Geneseo for a while but there just wasn’t anything that seemed reasonable. There were very few homes available and what was available was very expensive. We did finally find a new townhome construction site where we managed to get a tour of two of the new homes. We were very impressed, both with the quality of the home and with the price as well. We don’t know what we are wanting to do yet but this house is a real possibility. It is really nice.

We had dinner with my grandmother and I installed a new graphics card in my cousins’ computer before we packed up and headed back down to Ithaca.

I dropped Dominica off in Ithaca around 9:30 and then I promptly packed the car and headed off to Washington. I have a new Sue Grafton novel, O is for Outlaw, that I got to listen to most of on the drive down. I also finished off The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe that I started listening to about a month ago. I love the Chronicle’s of Narnia. I wish that the books were unabridged instead of dramatizations. I generally prefer unabridged novels. I am almost all of the way through the Sue Grafton novels. I have only missed “N” because I can’t find any store that sells it and there is only “P” and “Q” left and “Q” is still very new. So, there are only three total books left to listen to before I have to find a new series to get into. I am still hunting down the second installment of the Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy as well. It is an impossible book to find on CD. No one carries it.

I arrived at Washington Hospital Center at 4:00 am. As soon as I arrived I got to work installing the new 16 port KVM. It took about thirty minutes. As soon as that was installed, I took off to get out to Annapolis and get some sleep. Much needed sleep.

January 18, 2003

Today was a sleep in late day. Min and I drove out to my parent’s house this afternoon but we ended up being so busy during the day that we didn’t manage to arrive until pretty late at night. I spent the majority of the day in a meeting with Lifestyle Properties. Tomorrow, Min and I are going to look around Geneseo for some housing possibilities.

January 17, 2003

Eric worked out of my office today. We actually got work done too. We didn’t play any video games all day. In fact, I have been working solid since 7:45 this morning and it is 9:13 now. I am just heading downstairs with Min to watch A Fine Romance with Judy Dench in it to take a break from all of the work. Tons of work was done on IthacaPortal today. The site is really coming along, I added tons of new links to it. I can’t believe how many there are now.

I went out to OfficeMax with Eric today and I picked up some ink for my old HP Deskjet printer (I was given a nice DeskJet 722c in 1998 that I have never once used so I decided that I should finally get some use out of it before it turns to dust) and an APC battery back up system for my computer. I figured that with all of the problems that we have with the power around here, it would be smart to have a UPS on my main computer. I really should have gotten three of them because all of my computers need to have one. I already have a large UPS system on the routers, switches and other networking hardware in the basement.

January 16, 2003

Well, it took three trips to Best Buy but after trying two SanDisk SD memory cards, I finally have my Zaurus working with a PNY SD card. It is very cool. Now I have a ton of storage for games and applications that I am able to use while the CF slot is busy being my internet connection or my Ogg Vorbis repository. The Zaurus is SO much more useful now. I have downloaded a ton of new software for the Zaurus. I even got cool software that lets me monitor the quality of my wireless signal. It is pretty neat.

People are starting to ask about pictures from the New Year’s Eve party. Well, we just don’t have any. We are waiting for people to get some for us. None of us took any pictures and the digital camera turned out to be all blurry so we are out of luck there as well. So, if you have any pictures from the party, scan them and email them to me!

January 15, 2003

I am leaving for DC today. We have new equipment that needs installed there and I might as well get to it. I did go out and buy an SD memory card for my Zaurus today – it is only 64MB but it should help out immensly with making that more useful. However, it doesn’t appear to be working. The Zaurus recognizes that it is there but it just won’t use it. So that isn’t good. I will probably have to return it. The KVM that I am supposed to install is shown by FedEx as having arrived this morning at the office in DC but no one has seen it yet. If it isn’t there, there isn’t much for me to do.

Early this morning (8:00) I did two hours of work over at Ward’s Auto Damage. They needed a new computer installed so I worked on that for them. Everything went really smoothly and the morning started off pretty well. They even had a dog for me to play with while I was working.

Well, the KVM never arrived in DC so it is a good thing that I didn’t go yesterday because I would have really had nothing to do since I can’t work on the new servers until the KVM is installed. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. So I am planning on going down on Sunday now and being down for a whole week. Hopefully we will have tracked down the package by then. I hate it when these things disappear. That is an expensive piece of equipment too!