May 6, 2008: Boring Week

I have been incredibly busy lately and have been having a really difficult time keeping up with SGL as often as I would like or, more accurately, as thoroughly as I would like.

Today was a nice doggy-daddy day.  The weather was very nice and Oreo demanded that we take a long walk in Military Park.  He is so funny.  He pulls me out the front door (towards Raymond rather than Commerce) and goes up to the edge of the road and tries to pull be across to the park.  He isn’t willing to walk another way.  He knows exactly what he wants and knows how to tell me.

It was a perfect day for a walk and we had a good time.  I’m glad that the weather is so nice and that it is so easy to take him to the park.  He gets so excited.

My evening was spent mostly working on Red Hat Linux exam materials.  I’m afraid that this is a pretty boring week to be reading SGL.

May 5, 2008: Working Out in Warren

Last night was a night of no sleep at all for me. We went to bed a little on the late side and Oreo was determined to sleep with his head on my tummy all night.  That didn’t help my insomnia.  I couldn’t move at all.  It was around twelve thirty, or so, when I attempted to go to bed.  By four I was already up and about.  So three and a half hours of attempting to sleep but no actual sleep.

I got ready for work nice and early.  It was handy that I was up so early because I was able to shower and get out of Dominica’s way long before she was out of bed.

Dominica dropped me off at Broad Street Station on her way to work and I got the early train over to Summit and the shuttle down to Warren.  I have barely been out to Warren at all recently. I tend not to go out very often because I am busy and it is nearly impossible for me to get any work done when I am there.

I didn’t get to leave the office as I normally try to do when I am out at Warren but as I get better at taking the shuttles and knowing how to use the train this is less important.  I am getting the process down pretty well by this point.

It was around eight when I finally got home.  I have a busy week trying to do some testing work early so that I can focus on my homework later in the week.  Less than two weeks until my class is done and there is a lot of work to do yet.

May 4, 2008: Mad Crazy Homework Day

Oreo got me up at four in the morning wanting to go for a walk. It is so unfortunate that he is unwilling to use the doggy potty that we bought for him. It is taking up so much space in our apartment and was so expensive and it doesn’t seem that he will even have any interest in it at all. Very depressing. And it isn’t easy to move into storage either. So, a long late night walk was in the cards for me.

Griffith Building in Newark

I was back in bed but had not quite fallen asleep when I was paged out from the office. Had I just fallen asleep it would have been much worse. As it was I was still coherent and able to function, more or less. So up I got again and out to the living room I went to fire up the VPN and log into the office network.

I ended up being awake and out of bed from four until almost five thirty in the morning. It was so long and by the end I was so awake that I started considering whether or not I should just get out of bed and stay up through the morning, but I have been so far behind on sleep all week that that didn’t seem like a good idea no matter how practical it might have been under other circumstances.

I ended up sleeping until noon. I really needed the sleep and felt much better after that. Between going to bed late and the late night interruption I figure that I got just over ten hours of sleep which is really awesome for me. Dominica and Oreo were up about two hours before me.

Today is Dominica’s crazy homework day. Her class officially ended on Friday at midnight but her professor is letting her use the weekend to complete her homework. I think that a lot of people in the class are using the weekend to submit “late” before Monday’s cutoff. So on Friday night she completed everything except the final project and yesterday she worked as much as she could to get some more of the project done. Min was pretty under the weather yesterday. She is on some anti-biotics that are really knocking her out and she was barely functional yesterday. So today she is skipping them so that she can get her work done before midnight.

Trinity Church on Rector in Newark

After I was up and showered we ordered in some food from Nino’s, a breakfast pizza, and watched some of The Love Boat while we ate. Then we harnessed up the dog and went for a long walk through Military Park and Washington Park and up to Riverfront Stadium to take pictures that Dominica needs for her project. That was quite and undertaking and we were all pretty worn out by the time that we got back. We were probably gone for well over an hour. Oreo had a great time and was very excited to get to visit Washington Park which he has never been to before. He has never walked past Military Park to the north. So it was all new smells for him to discover.

Dominica and I settled in in the living room and the rest of the day was spent working on homework. Not a fun day. Today is the last day of paperwork for my class and fifty-percent of my grade is based on the work that I hand in tonight. Dominica will be extremely relieved tomorrow when she knows that her class is finally over. She should sleep well tonight. This class has really been a problem for her and, while interesting, it isn’t a class that really teaches her core IT principles so it isn’t really adding to her ability to get better work in the future. So it is pretty frustrating even though, under other circumstances, it would at least be an interesting class.

Tomorrow I am working out of Warren so I have to be up quite early in the morning and ready before Dominica gets up so that I can hitch a ride with her up to the Broad Street Train Station. That saves me a ton of time in the morning and helps keep me from walking more than necessary. I enjoy walking but my right foot has been hurting a lot recently and I am trying to give it time to heal.

Dominica wrapped up her project around eleven. And then she was off to bed. I went on and worked until midnight. Not much sleep for me but the class is almost over. Only so much more work to come out of that.

May 3, 2008: Working All Day

Andrew West (aka Loopy) is a top ten finalist in the national programming competition the “Dice Tech Challenge” for his Spyhop IHOP Finding application. So head over to the Dice Tech Challenge Voting site and cast you vote for Andy’s SpyHop website. Here is the link directly to the voting page, vote for IHOPs, #3: DTC Voting Page. Only one vote (per computer) will be counted.

Bahrain Reflection

Bahrain on our usual Saturday morning deployments. This is really an extension of the Friday night deployments.

I had other, non-deployment, work to be done as well for the office. Never a free weekend for me. I am really looking forward to my four day vacation at the end of the month. What a change that will be!

Dominica slept in this morning. She was pretty tired after staying up so late working on her homework and assignments last night. This is going to be a really long weekend for her as she attempts to complete her final project by Sunday night so that she doesn’t have to take an incomplete in her class. This is her last class for the summer as she is taking the semester off. She is really looking forward to the break.

I worked from before eight in the morning until three thirty on work for the office. I took time off for lunch in there but there was quite a bit of work to be done. It is amazing how much work ends up needing to be done on the weekends.

Another Amazon shipment arrived today. Rachael Ray’s 30 Minute Meals: Fasta Pasta 1 arrived today along with the web design classic title “The Zen of CSS Design” which I am looking forward to reading.

I did coordinate another day of Handbrake compression work. Boy do I work these computers hard. All day and all night they work at maximum capacity. No one can convince me that we have reached the age of unlimited storage and processing power. I need orders of magnitude more storage and processing power than are commonly available today. It will be many years before systems prepared to handle my workload are commonly available and the workload that I will have at that time will be much greater than what I have now. I am taxing my overall system I/O, network capacity, drive I/O and CPU. It’s really amazing.

Most of my afternoon and evening were spent either working on some certification consulting work that I am doing which is extremely intensive or a little bit of my homework that is due this weekend. Mostly that is going to be handled tomorrow as I need to coordinate with my project partner. Doing team based work for online classes that are only ten weeks long is quite difficult. We don’t have enough time to really set up good collaboration tools and get into a routine. We work together a handful of times and have to do all of our work based off of that.

We went to bed around midnight.

May 2, 2008: Walking Through the Tribeca Film Festival

I was pretty exhausted this morning when I pulled myself out of bed. It is going to be a long day. I am really looking forward to this weekend.

The weather is cooler, almost cold, today and very misty.

Dominica was doing some oil production research today for her environmental research class and it got me wondering about which countries consume the most oil per capita. The United States is always noted in any headline about how much fuel we consume and how demanding we are on the global petroleum production system. In the list of the largest oil consuming nations per capita, I found, the United States ranks fifteenth. Not number one as people so often lead us to believe. In fact the U.S. is well in line with similar nations around the world. We come in two spots below our Canadian neighbours who have a very similar space and income profile to us.

When looking at oil consumption numbers it is tempting to see the United States as a largely disproportionate consumer by forgetting that the U.S. is a country of over 300 million citizens (with a large unknown “illegal immigrant” population as well) while it is compared principally against relatively tiny countries like Canada, the United Kingdom or France. Additionally the U.S. suffers from the worst “open space” issues of any country with its major cities lying heavily dispersed over a huge longitudinal and latitudinal space.

Canada, the only other nation with an even comparable metropolitan separation, has all of its major cities lie along a single line near the U.S. border and it has only one truly major city, Vancouver, on its Pacific coast leaving the majority of its traffic to occur over a relatively small, confined space giving it much of the profile of a European nation rather than being like the United States. International shipping from American neighbour contries also involves most shipping distance to be covered inside of U.S. borders with almost all significant Canadian destination or origination cities being right on the U.S. border. (A truck shipping product from Montreal to Atlanta, for example, will travel less than fifty miles in Canada but well over a thousand in the U.S.)

The United States also has a disproportionately high military consumption of petroleum products.  This large governmental usage of oil, which most of the population would rather not expend, comes out of our “per capita” statistics and makes the average American appear to expend far more petroleum than we really do.  Taking all this into account the U.S. appear to use disproportionately low levels of petroleum per capita when compared to nations of similar wealth and logistical concerns.

I went into Tribeca for a meeting this afternoon but as soon as I arrived there my BlackBerry service went down and I lost communications with the outside world.  It is amazing how quickly we become completely dependent on having complete communications at all times and have made no plans on how to communicate without it.  We didn’t manage to connect for the meeting so I just grabbed a sandwich in Tribeca and then decided to take advantage of the location and grab the early train home and do my late evening, which went till eight, from home rather than Wall Street.

Today is in the middle of the Tribeca Film Festival which is a pretty big deal and the office in Tribeca is right in the middle of all of the action.  I had to walk through the big “street fair” and got to see many of the festival stands and activities.  Greenwich Street was alive with activity starting all the way south at the World Trade Center site at Barclay.  There was a lot of interesting food available out there and it smelled very good.

Dominica came home and made herself dinner.  I skipped dinner as my lunch was so late.  She spent the evening, right up until midnight, working on her homework and assignments for her class at Empire State.  The class officially ends tonight.  She has already requested an extension but the professor is allowing submissions throughout the weekend.  So her goal, which she accomplished, was to complete all assignments except the final project tonight and have nothing to do over the weekend except for the final project itself.

I spent quite a bit of the evening reading.  I was pretty exhausted this evening and so I finished reading “Herding Cats” and read quite a chunk of “Agile Java Development.”  At midnight Dominica came to bed and we watched two episodes of the seventh season of The Cosby Show.  And then it was time for bed.  I have to be up before eight tomorrow morning as there is work to be done at the office that is scheduled for that time.