SGL Podcast Episode 24: Boycott Sony

SGL Podcast Episode 24 – MP3
SGL Podcast Episode 24 – Ogg Vorbis

Scott and Dominica for their twenty fourth podcast. Tune in today to hear why you should be boycotting the evil Sony BMG corporation and why NBC is falling behind in the race to capture the future of television. Had any good banana split ice cream lately?

Sony: Sony BMG music is now involved in hacking and installing viruses on their customers computers which is, of course, highly illegal and Sony should be prosecuted under the DMCA. New York and California have all ready begun legal action against the company. Sony, instead of backing off, has increased the level of its illegal activities and is attempting to gain greater control over its customers computers. Of course, Sony does not tell its customers that it is doing this. Microsoft as well as the US Department of Homeland Security have officially labeled this action as a threat and Sony’s software is now listed in Microsoft’s “known spyware” list. We ask all of our listeners to support us in boycotting all Sony products and, if you are an affected customer, please contact the state attorney general’s office and aid in the litigation.

Television over the Internet: NPR’s Technology talks about Television over the Internet just one day after Dominica and I talk about it on SGL.

Listen to: Sub-Level 2

November 16, 2005

Oreo was kind enough to not force me to get out of bed too early this morning. What a relief that was. Finally enough sleep. I didn’t have to get up this morning until I wanted to. Or at least not until I felt it was important that I get up and check to make sure that no one was leaving phone or email messages for me.

This morning managed to actually be a nice, relaxing morning. Boy did I need that. I didn’t have to do to much stressful work at all this morning. Dad came over a little after 11:00 – about an hour after Dominica left for work. He mounted a shelf in the basement for me that is going to hold all of the data communications equipment that I have like the cable modem and the DSL modem up off of the desk that they currently are sitting on top of. They have been a pain for the past two and a half years because they have a lot of cables and they take up a bit of space that can’t be covered or crowded on one of my desks in my basement office. Now that they are mounted to a shelf they can be up and out of the way, the cables can be organized and the lights on the front of the units will be visible so that they will be a lot easier to work on. It will make the office just look a lot nicer too. I have a patch panel that I want to get mounted in that same space as well so that I can clean up all of the Ethernet cabling that is running into that room.

Dad and I went to lunch at the Omega Grill after the shelf was up. I got stuck on the phone fixing some email problems just before we left so we didn’t manage to go as early as I had hoped to have and I didn’t manage to get Oreo ready before lunch so I left him home and returned for him after we were done eating.

After lunch I grabbed Oreo and we went over to dad’s house so that I could get some work done over there. Dad wanted me to fix a few things with his computer and I took the opportunity while I was there to get him set up with an HP LaserJet printer since, in the long run, laserjets save tons of money compared to regular printers. And since I own three spares it seemed pretty dumb not to be making use of at least one of them. I worked over there from about 2:00 until 5:00. We decided that it was getting late and that we should just get some food someplace simple before we went to the York High School senior play tonight. We went down to Cooks in Greggsville and got subs. I love their subs there. They are really good and cheap. And it is a very convenient location being halfway between our place in Geneseo and dad’s in Covington.

Kodiak Flapjack

After dinner we went to York for the senior play. Yes, it is a Wednesday so it really doesn’t make much sense to have the play be tonight. I agree. No one wants to go out to a show on a Wednesday night. But the show was scheduled for this coming weekend but the girls volleyball or some team or other is going to the state finals this weekend and that was going to take too many people out of the play so that had to be adjusted. For some reason they decided to move the show forward to a weeknight with no warning and almost no notification given to anyone. Not only that but they reduced the show to just being a single performance as well. Since the show is a fund raiser for the seniors to take their senior trip it seems kind of rough to lose half of your performances. Anyway, the show was scheduled to begin at 7:00 but didn’t actually start until just a little before 7:30. It took so long for them to start and they didn’t do any announcement at all. They just flipped off the house lights all of a sudden. There were tons of people walking around all over the auditorium because most of us were convinced, I think, that they had printed the wrong starting time and that they were actually going to begin at 7:30. Then, the moment that the show started and going all the way through there were just tons of people taking flash photographs and using video camcorders with their backlit LCDs turned on that it was impossible to pay attention to the show. I have never had such an inconsiderate audience at any high school or middle school performance. The flashing was so regular that it almost made me ill. And there is no reason to use backlit LCDs when you have perfectly good viewfinders that are meant for this sort of thing. It would significantly detract from the show if the show was any good at all. The show was something called “Kodiak Flapjack” and it is, by far, the worst play script that I have ever heard of being used. It was pathetic. And it was short. Intermission came at 7:50. We had barely gotten to see anything. People who had walked in the door right at 7:00 had spent just as much time waiting for the show to start as they did actually watching the show. Those of us who came early would end up having the same ratio by the time the entire production was completed. But the worst part was the horrible script – Kodiak Flapjack. Don’t ever see anyone perform this show.

To make matter worse, unlike the picture that I attached here, York decided to have many of the girls in the show attired in mini-skirts. Not only was that somewhat inappropriate for a high school production but they were supposed to be playing girls in a high-brow finishing school and the outfits that they were wearing did not fit the part at all. Many of them were wearing a very inappropriate form of the “school girl uniform”. I can’t believe that they were allowed to go on stage that way. But the real issue came with a portrayal of inproper teach or principal and student relationships. It was made very clear that the school principal and a high school student were supposed to be dating for much of the duration of the play. And it isn’t even addressed. They just act like it is normal and I think that everyone watching the show, due to the poor consistancy of the script, forgot that the one character was supposed to be thirty to fifty years old and that the other was just a teenager in school.

At the end, writer Tim Kelly forgot his own plot and just ended the show. I must have been the only person left in the entire auditorium who was actually paying any attention to the show at all because I couldn’t figure out how the writer and the cast and done that entire show and missed the most important plot hole that you could ever imagine. Okay, here is the synopsis: Old man leaves his girl’s finishing school (yes, that is creepy) in his will to someone he has never met for no good reason, inheritor is required to be the school principal for one year before the inheritance can be actually claimed, if at any point the inheritor does NOT maintain his or her position as principal then the entire estate reverts to the old man’s great grand niece who, coincidentally, is a teenage girl attending the school. The “big twist” is that the first guy who comes down to run the school ends up being an error on the part of a private detective and he is not actually the person who was supposed to inherit the school. Okay. But the entire play from minute one until five minutes before the end the only thing that is driving the entire show is that this guy HAS to remain the active principal and the student who is set to get the school should he decide not to be principal is trying to convince him to quit. Then, when they find out that they have the wrong guy, this other inheritor shows up and announces that they have sold the school. Sold the school? For the past hour everything has rested on the inheritor maintaining the job of principal for one entire year and the first guy only did it for a little while. Suddenly the lawyer apparently thought that actually executing the will was too much effort and suddenly the teenager who spent the entire play trying to get back her school never even once mentions that she just inherited it. In fact, not one person involved in the play or in the audience, apparently, realized that they had just dropped the play’s only plot device. It was so obvious of an ending that I couldn’t even figure out what they were trying to do because everything had been solved. It was ridiculous.

Anyway, that is my rant about that play. I can’t believe that high schools perform this stuff. They have to pay to be able to perform this crap. Shows like this are so bad that any high school student should be able to write something just as good. It takes no skill to get something like this written. I feel bad for all of the students who put effort into shows like this. It feels like the school is mocking them and doesn’t actually want them to do well or to provide an artistic service for the community. I am really embarrassed that this is my old high school. The kids did a pretty good job. They sure didn’t have anything to work with. Heaven only knows how you would put any more into that show than they did. My cousin Sara was in the show. That is why I went to see it. At least it provided plenty of material for SGL and for the podcast.

Min and I did manage to get episode twenty-three completed tonight and posted. We are working hard to keep the shows shorter from now on, as close to daily as possible and to end each show with a cool musical selection. So if you aren’t listening, be sure to check it out. I think that it will be several more weeks until we are familiar with how to do a show together but we are learning.

I did a bunch of work tonight trying to clean up Min’s computer. We do so much online multimedia (I hate that term) stuff that the 80GB drive is practically full.

I have to give a talk to a PTA in the near future about Internet dangers for children. I have heard of but have never done anything with My Space – I try to stay away from the kiddy bopper sites – but I needed to learn about it so I got an account and way trying it out tonight. It is a neat idea, sort of, a personal connection service. I can see where it would be handy but there is no one on there worth connecting with unless you are a high school student and in that lies the problem. It is a neat idea because it is a free and open service that duplicates a lot of functionality that was in disparate locations before. It has the potential to allow you to find long lost friends if lots of adult users actually sign up and use the service. Only time will tell. Right now it is mostly an underage dating service. I am the oldest person, by several years, registered from my high school and my elementary school is not even an option to mark on it yet. If anyone of my readers is on it or is thinking about checking it out, here is my personal link. I will be interested to see if anyone actually uses this thing over the age of twenty two. This is a really ambitious site because it conglomerates the functionality of so many different systems. It even does the blogging portion and I think that that is where so many younger kids are getting into it not really realizing how it is being used by the vast majority of its membership. This is a real problem with services like this that they are designed to be kind of a generic personal profile framework and if the majority of the user base does one thing or another with it it can really change the flavour of the service. For adults, though, it is a pretty neat service from what I can see.

SGL Podcast Episode 23: Chia Pets

SGL Podcast Episode 23 – MP3
SGL Podcast Episode 23 – Ogg Vorbis

Podomatic can’t seem to be able to handle playing our new stereo format through their web based flash player. If you hear us sounding like the chipmunks, let us know. We have test everything and everything sounds fine as long as you download the MP3 files either from the website here or through a podcatcher like Juice.

Anyone out there have a chia pet of their own? Scott and Dominica are raising a chia herb garden. Hydroponic gardening is fun. Send us pictures of your chia pets in action.

Scott went to the senior play at his old high school tonight. Sixty four bit computers are now less expensive than the thirty two bit legacy machines. Scott now owns his CPAP! And you can subscribe to the show through email notifications just in case you don’t like to subscribe through RSS feeds.

What does diet Dr. Pepper taste more like Dr. Pepper than? Here is a scientific study on the topic.

We also mentioned the book: Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut which is the most famous literary work dealing with the World War II fire bombing of Dresden, Germany. Interestingly enough, the lead character of the book is a real person and is actually buried in the Mt. Hope Cemetary here in Rochester, New York.

Listen to: Andrew Buscemi

November 15, 2005

In another move that is hurting Sony’s reputation, it is now widely believed and rapidly being investigated whether or not Sony was involved in stealing software from the LAME project in order to make their new root-kit virus. Isn’t it ironic (yes, actually ironic and not coincidental) that in an attempt to forcibly stop people from being able to steal their CD’s that Sony has stolen from others? Microsoft has officially listed Sony’s software in their spyware database and the Microsoft Anti-Spyware tool now removes that virus from your computer or, at least, attempts to. A+ to Microsoft, F to Sony.

Once again, Oreo decided when it was time to get up this morning. He has taken to needing to go outside after six hours of sleep and it is making my life very difficult. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in days. And since I have a cold that really isn’t working out all that well.

Dominica had to get out to her class this morning. While she was out at her class I took the opportunity to go down to the Castile school to check out the new computer lab situation and to see where we were with all of that. I called dad and he decided that he would go down there with me so I swung by his place with Oreo and picked him up. We got down to the school a little before noon and spent an hour at least, I would imagine, getting an idea of where things are in regards to getting a lot of new stuff set up at the school. I have an immediate task list for this week now which will help a lot. We have a lot of work to do before things are ready but now is the time to jump on it and to get things done so I am optimistic. We are getting a full blown ten computer lab set up which is twenty-five percent larger than the lab that we had last year. We still don’t have quite enough computers to fill the lab and nowhere near enough monitors. So if anyone out there has any spare stuff we definitely still have places where we can put it to good use.

After working at the school dad and I went to Lorraine’s on Main Street for some lunch. Boy is that place inexpensive. I can’t believe how cheaply you can eat there. We both had country fried fish sandwiches for lunch. It was delicious.

I took dad home and then rushed back over to the house in Geneseo because we have guests coming over to the house later and the whole place is a complete and utter disaster and has been since about two weeks after Andy moved out. So we had a ton of cleaning that needed to be done before anyone came over to the house. It was about 2:30 or maybe a little later when I finally got back to the house. Dominica was out at the grocery store getting supplies for tonight since she is making dessert. I got to work getting as much of the house cleaned as possible.

Eric is still without a laptop at work and so he came over this afternoon while Dominica and I were cleaning so that he could use the computer to at least check his messages and take care of some basic things. I can’t imagine having to work without any access to a computer or the Internet. How do people get anything done?

Dominica and I cleaned like mad right up until 5:15 when dad arrived to pick us up to take us over to the Shanghai for dinner. We met our friends Amy and Dan and their kids over there for dinner. The eight of us enjoyed the buffet and then came back to our now clean or almost clean house in Geneseo for dessert and coffee. We only ever get to see them once or twice a year. Just recently they finished working on a house here in the area and just eight weeks ago or so moved into that house. So now they are much closer to us than they were previously. Maybe we will get to see them more often now. Amy and I go way back. We have been friends for as long as I can remember. She is the only friend that I have that comes from before kindergarten. And, in reality, my only friend from just after that is Jonathan Stagno that I still talk to on a regular basis. Amy and I go back to age two or so. I guess she is my only friends from the 1970’s. The SEVENTIES!

Dominica and I managed to get a short podcast done before we went to bed. We have to work on doing the show earlier in the day because we keep ending up so incredibly tired by the time that we actually do the show that we sound like crap on the show. But we are shooting for a shorter but more often format and hopefully we will just naturally improve over time. So get over there and check out the show. I really like the tune “Irony” that we play on tonight’s show. It is really good. I picked out the tune to be on our playlist but Dominica picked that song to be played tonight.

It was decently warm today and the furnace is not even close to having to kick on to keep the house warm. We have it set to 66F and this evening the house was holding 73F without any extra help. That is awesome considering the super high cost of heating fuel this winter. I wonder how long we can keep this up. The wind is blowing something fierce tonight. I can’t believe how windy it is. This house makes so much noise. It always sounds like people banging on the side of the house.

Congratulations to the Nicklins, John and Michelle, down in Arnold, Maryland who have purchased and have now moved into their new house. This is their second house. We haven’t seen it yet but John is hoping to get me pictures off of his laptop very soon. They were looking for a house that had more space. The house that they were living in previously was waterfront on Deep Creek but it didn’t have very much space to work with. Dominica and I are planning on going down to Annapolis very soon so we are hoping to have a chance to see the house in the very near future.

SGL Podcast Episode 22: New Shorter Format Coming More Often

SGL Podcast Episode 22 – MP3
SGL Podcast Episode 22 – Ogg Vorbis

Scott and Dominica are back and are trying to keep the show a bit shorter so that they are able to do the show daily or as close to it as possible.

Podomatic can’t seem to be able to handle playing our new stereo format through their web based flash player. If you hear us sounding like the chipmunks, let us know. We have test everything and everything sounds fine as long as you download the MP3 files either from the website here or through a podcatcher like Juice.

Farewell June