April 13, 2003

Today is an exciting day. Min and I met Josh, Joanna, Phil and Kate out at Dr. Frank’s Vinifera out on the west side of Keuka Lake and went on an eight winery tour that was a special Murder Mystery event where you go to different wineries and collect clues to solve the mystery. We didn’t make it to the last winery but we actually managed to solve it a few wineries early. The prize was a 5% discount on Keuka Lake Wine Trail wines during this summer. So, it was a lot of fun and we managed to save some money if we buy some wine this summer too. It was a good time. After going to all the wineries, we ended up in Penn Yan and had a really slow dinner at Sarassins. But it was good.

Min got a pretty bad headache from all of the wine so she went to bed really early. Loop and I stayed up and watched The New Guy which is a really silly movie but enjoyable. It was cute. Loopy went to bed after watching that but I stayed up and watch K-19 The Widowmaker. That was a really excellent war movie. I really like both Harrison Ford and Liam Nieson. It was quite a riveting movie and it is a historical subject that I know little to nothing about. So it was very interesting.

On the way home from the wine tour, Min and I stopped at the new Super Walmart in Watkins Glen and did a little shopping. I picked up two new DVDs. I got Lilo and Stitch and Casualties of War. Only two of the Disney collection left to go.

April 12, 2003

Min and I had a very busy day today. After staying up late last night watching movies (Min actually stayed up later than I did for once.) we got up early (sort of) and drove up to Syracuse to meet Amanda and Laura for lunch. Laura went to college with Min and Amanda but has since moved to San Diego so Min hasn’t seen her in years. We sat at Denny’s for about four hours. After lunch, Min and I drove out’ to Frankfort to do some dog sitting. We didn’t end up getting out there until about 5:00pm. We didn’t expect Min’s parents to get home until at least 10:00 or maybe not until the morning. But they ended up getting in at 6:00pm so we didn’t really need to watch the dog. But it was nice to get to see Dexter anyway. He was excited to see us. After her parents got home, we watched Frequency which was really an excellent movie. I was really surprised by how good it was. We also watched some of The Man with Two Brains – but that wasn’t very good. We hit the road to head back to Ithaca around 11pm – I was pretty tired so Min drove us home.

April 11, 2003

A very busy day today. The phone rang almost continuously all day. It was a long day. I got a lot done, though. Emily, Craig and Ellie stopped by this afternoon for a visit.

Min cooked up a really good big dinner for us tonight. Loopy had a job in Victor this evening. He is working for Deutche Telekom (T-Mobile) at the mall. He is working through the night tonight. Min and I watched The Majestic finally. It is really good. Neither Min nor I thought that it had anything to do with the McCarthy Red Scare era. It is a rough movie but it is really good. We were pleasently surprised to find that Bruce Campbell stared in the movie that is shown inside of the movie. It is a hilarious 1930’s style swashbuckler style action flick. They show bits of it during The Majestic but the DVD has a ton more of the black and white film that you can watch seperately and it is much longer than the footage that is used in The Majestic. If anyone borrows this film, be sure to take the time to check out the fine work by Campbell hidden in this movie. Campbell is totally Errol Flynn.

After The Majestic, we watched About a Boy with Hugh Grant. That was a lot better (and different) than I thought that it was going to be. It has a really interesting plot. After that we were still wide awake so we watched Exit to Eden because Min has never seen it. I fell asleep a little over halfway through the movie.

April 10, 2003

Sorry about the delay in getting updates. It has been a crazy week and I am all but burned out. This morning I finally got around to taking the psych evaluation for the job in Cleveland. That is the last thing that I am waiting on before everything is final and official. Hopefully we will hear something in a day or two.

I spent much of the day dealing with getting computer parts ordered for our facility in DC. What a chore that has been. I can’t believe how much work has gone into getting a few parts. I have been working on this for months. I am going down to DC on Tuesday to wrap up as much as I can down there to make sure that they aren’t going to need me at all while I am away in Cleveland and not accessible to everyone.

With the new house in Geneseo, the plan is that we will be relocating all of the equipment that is currently in DC to Geneseo which will make life a whole lot easier for me. I will have easy access to the equipment on weekends and Loopy and Min will be living in the same building as the servers so if anything goes wrong they can deal with it right away. And dad and Eric are only minutes away too, most of the time. It is just a much more manageable situation than having them in DC. I am really looking forward to having them all in NY very soon.

April 9, 2003

Well, it is official. Loopy and I drove out to Lakeville first thing this afternoon and I put a deposit down on the house in Geneseo that we have been looking at. They have agreed to remove the ugly (and brand new) carpeting and counter tops and will let us pick the ones that we want. We are scheduled for move in on July 15. Loopy, Min and I are really excited. It is weird to be buying a house. Of course, the mortgage hasn’t gone through yet so there is plenty of time yet for something to go wrong. But we will cross that bridge when we come to it. One thing at a time.

For those of you who are wondering where we are going to be living in the near future, the address is 15 Hathaway (or something like that) in Geneseo. It is just off of Lima Road to the Northeast of downtown inside of the village. It is the new Thornapple townhomes and ours is the middle one of the five that are currently built. We have a paved driveway and a two car garage.

After dealing with the house, Loop and I went up to Avon to visit with his family for a little while. We had a good time and then went out to eat at Tom Wahl’s before driving back to Ithaca. While we were at Wahl’s, I ran into Jeanie Pirano who went to York High School with Josh, Eric, Arti, Mary and I. She had been living in Cortland for a while and now is living in Lima and going to school at SUNY Geneseo. That is really cool so maybe we will get to hang out after all of these years.